location-icon 9 Kings Highway
North, Westport, CT

Combo Set

Combine two or more sets!

Add a bridge between two of our other sets and make an enormous playground to enjoy and explore! Perfect for locations with lots of kids and lots of space! Can’t decide on a single package? Bridge sets are the best of both worlds! Got an older set and want to add on an addition? We can “bridge” a new set in with the old one to make playtime fresh.

All models are customizable. Visit our backyard showroom – they are set up for you to test and play. There’s something here for everyone, so stop by, ask questions, and check out the beauty, strength and fun our playsets have to offer.

Made in America from American Redwood – the highest quality wood used in the swingset industry. No chemicals. No Chinese wood.

From Our Family to Yours

David Engert started The Great Outdoor Toy Company sitting under an umbrella at a plastic table. Through perserverience, confidence, and a little silliness, the business has grown, expanded and thrived. Always run with the pride, friendliness and determination that has made The Great Outdoor Toy Company the #1 trusted name in outdoor toys in the area for almost a quarter of a century.